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Library is published on PyPi index as django-api-forms. You can add it to your project using your favorite package manager. Few examples:

# Using pip
pip install django-api-forms

# Using poetry
peotry add django-api-forms

# Using pipenv
pipenv install django-api-forms

# Local installation
python -m pip install .

Extra functionality

If you want to use some extra functionality, you have to install additional dependencies.


Library checks for application/x-msgpack HTTP content type. To work it properly you have to install msgpack. We support extras_require, so you can do it by executing pip install django-api-forms[msgpack] while installing django-api-forms or individually by pip install msgpack inside your environment.


Library provides FileField and ImageField, which are pretty similar to Django native implementation. There fields require Pillow to be installed inside of your environment.

  • pip install django-api-forms[Pillow]
  • pip install Pillow

Fun fact

You can install all extra dependencies using one call pip install django-api-forms[Pillow,msgpack].