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Class Route



public array<mixed,\phpGPX\Models\Point> $points

A list of route points.

An original GPX 1.1 attribute.


public string $name

GPS name of route / track.

An original GPX 1.1 attribute.


public string $comment

GPS comment for route.

An original GPX 1.1 attribute.


public string $description

Text description of route/track for user. Not sent to GPS.

An original GPX 1.1 attribute.


public string $source

Source of data. Included to give user some idea of reliability and accuracy of data.

An original GPX 1.1 attribute.

public array<mixed,\phpGPX\Models\Link> $links

Links to external information about the route/track.

An original GPX 1.1 attribute.


public integer $number

GPS route/track number.

An original GPX 1.1 attribute.


public string $type

Type (classification) of route/track.

An original GPX 1.1 attribute.


public \phpGPX\Models\Extensions $extensions

You can add extend GPX by adding your own elements from another schema here.

An original GPX 1.1 attribute.


public \phpGPX\Models\Stats $stats

Objects contains calculated statistics for collection.



mixed phpGPX\Models\Collection::__construct()

Collection constructor.


array<mixed,\phpGPX\Models\Point> phpGPX\Models\Collection::getPoints()

Return all points in collection.


array phpGPX\Models\Summarizable::toArray()

Serialize object to array


void phpGPX\Models\StatsCalculator::recalculateStats()

Recalculate stats objects.